SEA for EFFECTIVE INTERNAL & EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Working with teams for over 30 years

The Insurance Manager – Website

The Insurance Manager approached us to build them a new website, taking advantage of responsive technology so that the site would be easier to access from mobile devices.

We set about designing the website with a contemporary look and feel, paring back the information on the homepage by housing supporting content within a slideout panel.

Sharing the team’s collective insurance industry knowledge is a crucial part of the client brand and a news archive area was built into the website to share comment and technical articles with users, which will also keep the site updated and aid search engine optimisation.

Alongside this, one of the client’s USPs is transparency and a ‘jargon buster’ page was added to aid users understanding of industry terms. This feature was made using an accordion system to aid mobile users.

By using client supplied copy and images, the site effectively communicates the unique personality of the organisation. The website is integrated with WordPress content management system to allow the client full control over content.

Visit the live site at: