Logo and Brand development
The Journey
The process often resembles the different stages of a journey and this exciting project started by asking a sample group to contribute words to establish the character and philosophy of the organisation beyond the practical delivery of support and services.
It was clearly important that the new logo would seek to communicate many of the values alongside the more familiar commercial qualities that its diverse audiences would expect.
Further filtering and prioritising took place to identify messaging that may be fresher to the market and identify ‘difference’ in future communications.
The selected words covering this first part of the journey were:
Connected – Passionate – Curious
Other key aspects of the process were as follows:
Regarding colours it was felt that it was important to convey HERITAGE & EVOLUTION
The Brand Workshop identified a strength in acknowledging the significance of the NHS corporate colours in HPCA’s evolution.
Re the extended colour palette, it was agreed that the HPCA’s principal palette would feature the five ‘corporate’ blues and three accent colours to animate.
It was felt that the typography would be based on the sense of HERITAGE & EVOLUTION. The Brand Workshop also identified the positive visual messaging and practicality of retaining the clear and familiar NHS Project Futures font family in HPCA’s communications.
The next stage – a flexible asset
Inspired by several of the initial designs, the preferred HPCA logotype evolved through logical, progressive stages to feature the following:
- Triangular tessellated motif
- Overlapping letter-forms
- Distinct geometric shapes
- A positive icon (+)
- Familiar fonts and typography
Please note, employing the five corporate blues and the three accent colours, the HPCA Texture promotes ownership, creates drama and offer a dynamic backdrop for information.
The triangular tessellation offers an infinitely flexible grid where the colours can be manipulated to support all HPCA’s diverse messaging.
Graphic asset and logo
Social Media Interpretations
Illustrating colour deployment in relation to the social media icons.
Landscape Logotype
Case Study Summary
Although this case study is a brief synthesis of the extensive work undertaken by the whole SEA team we hope it covers the main points you would be interested in. We would like to emphasis the journey rather than the final brand as in so many cases logos and colours is often a personal choice. We worked very closely with the HPCA team in arriving at this solution. If you would like to discuss and review the process, we would be delighted to have the opportunity of explaining the different stages in the development of the logo/brand journey.